What is the most important thing
about your walk with Christ?
I would have to say its the drive to
constantly strengthen my fellowship with the Lord. It’s important
to always try to get closer to God, to constantly pray and ask God
for the strength and guidance to follow HIS ways. It leads to my
ultimate goal – everlasting life.
What convinced you of the truth in
I think I was convinced after hearing
the Word of God, reading scripture, and just seeing all of God’s
abundant blessings that He bestows upon me each and EVERY day of my
life. God has always provided for me and has NEVER let me down, even
when I thought things were ‘hopeless’. God has, time and time
again, showed His love for me.
When, why, and how do you pray?
I pray as often as the Spirit moves me.
I pray in the morning, at night, and at mealtime. I also pray
randomly throughout the day. I give praise and thanks to God. I also
‘personalize’ prayers for specific people and their needs as I
become aware of them. Sometimes my ‘prayer’ is just a general
conversation with God.
What denomination, if any, do you
belong to, and why that one?
I am Lutheran. My parents and
grandparents belonged to that denomination.
What do you think it will be like to
exist in heaven, and who are you looking forward to seeing?
I don’t really know what heaven will
be like other than no more tears or pain, no more stress and anxiety.
It will be full of peace and love. I’m really looking forward to
meeting Jesus. I’m also looking forward to seeing my grandparents
and younger brother again.
What is your favorite biblical verse,
and why?
Wow. This is a tuffy…to pick just
one! I guess I’d have to say Romans 12:12 “Be glad for all God is
planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful.”
I really like this verse because it reminds me that God loves me and
wants the best for me. It reminds me to persevere through the trials
in life. It reminds me to ALWAYS pray to God. Prayer is a very
special gift from God and is our means of communication with our
Heavenly Father.
After you’ve left this world to be
with the Lord, what do you want people to say about you? What should
be the first sentence of YOUR biography?
I would hope that people will remember
me for being compassionate, caring, and loving. I would hope they
would remember me as someone who always tried to put a ‘smile’ in
someone’s day. I’d like to think I’ll be remembered as one who
put others ahead of myself. The first sentence of my biography would
be: God is first, family and friends are second, and I am third.