What is the most important thing
about your walk with Christ?
In my walk with Christ, I believe that
the most important thing is trust.
When I need help I believe that God
will come to my rescue and then He does!
Without this trust and belief there
would only be a one-sided relationship!!!
What convinced you of the truth in
To me, Jesus always seemed real but
then when I was going through the worst days in my life, I blamed
Christ! I decided that it wasn’t my fault, and not knowing who else
to blame I decided to blame God! But then, I realized that instead of
growing past this time, and being stronger, I was weakening in
myself! I eventually saw that some things happen for no reason
apparent to you but God has a purpose for them! In this case, the
purpose was for me to be convinced of Jesus’ truth! He came to me
when I was troubled and in pain and I felt Him with me!
THAT is what made me BELIEVE!
When, why, and how do you pray?
When I pray, I try to stick to the
point and not babble on about stuff that God knows I don’t value
important! I thank God for what he’s done and then ask Him for
help, wisdom and love and then pray for those close to me or in need
of help. I pray anytime that I feel the need to but most often I pray
at night in my bed.
I look at something that reminds me of
God’s love (like the stars) and then I just think my prayers to me
and God. Sometimes if I need to pray for something/someone very
important to me I will pray aloud, even though I realize that God
hears even the unspoken prayers it makes it feel more real! I pray
because it really strengthens my relationship with the Lord, it helps
me to relieve my stresses and pains. I just take comfort and peace in
God’s love. I feel Him wrap his arms around me and comfort me!
What do you think it will be like to
exist in heaven, and who are you looking forward to seeing?
I imagine heaven as a place where
everybody is just surrounded with this immense love that is
indescribable. I imagine that people will all be themselves around
everyone and that is why there will be no pain. I picture it as a
very bright light that somehow doesn’t blind you - like a
“silver-lining” of a cloud multiplied by millions! As the
stunning colors of sunrise and sunset with millions more beautiful,
stunning colors!
I am looking forward to seeing Jesus
and just being 100% at peace, not having any more questions, just
What is your favorite biblical verse,
and why?
1 Corinthians 13: I believe that love
is the most important thing and that this verse sums up the entire
bible! It tells of God’s love for us, of how we should love others
and if we love like that then we will all have fulfilled our purpose
and more!
This verse touched me the first time I
read it. It made me think of what that love must be like!
After you’ve left this world to be
with the Lord, what do you want people to say about you? What should
be the first sentence of YOUR biography?
I want people to remember me as a
Christian with a capital C because that sums up everything that I am
trying to be. It says that I was caring, sensitive and loving!