
What is the most important thing about your walk with Christ?

My walk with Christ is all about my faith. It gets me through the troubled times in my life. It’s all about my conscience, telling me the difference between right and wrong. My walk with Christ is also about forgiveness for my sins and those who have sinned against me.

What convinced you of the truth in Jesus?

It is many things, mainly being able to tell that the bible is truly the Word of God.

When, why, and how do you pray?

I pray all different times of day and night, in different ways. Sometimes I pray out of need, sometimes I pray to thank the Lord, other times I pray for the needs of others. When I don’t know what to pray for, I simply say the Lord’s prayer. Other times I may have a conversation with Jesus as if he were sitting next to me.

What denomination, if any, do you belong to, and why that one?

I was confirmed and baptized in the Methodist church. My Father’s family was Mormon, my Mother’s was Presbyterian. However, my Mother was the more devoted to church of the two. When they moved to my hometown, there was no Presbyterian church nearby, so my Mother joined the Methodist church. She explains that it was the most similar and she did not have to relearn religion or church tradition. My father was basically ridiculed by his Mormon family because he abided by my mother’s church preference.

What do you think it will be like to exist in heaven, and who are you looking forward to seeing?

I do not know what it is like in Heaven. I expect that it will be different than what is portrayed by the living. I am looking forward to meeting Jesus.

What is your favorite biblical verse, and why?

I don’t have a favorite verse, but my favorite book is James.

After you’ve left this world to be with the Lord, what do you want people to say about you? What should be the first sentence of YOUR biography?

She was a caring person, who devoted her life to family and her career of nursing.

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