
What is the most important thing about your walk with Christ?

That I walk uprightly and follow Him only. That I will walk so straight with Christ, that others will see Him in me.

What convinced you of the truth in Jesus?

First of all, the Bible. From the examples some of my family members were and still are to me, daily. The verse: "I am the way, the truth and the life." I believe the Bible to be the complete truth of Jesus.

When, why, and how do you pray?

I try to live my life on a moment-by-moment basis and be prayerful always. I pray in all situations and at all times. I pray specifically and also that Jesus' will to be done.

What denomination, if any, do you belong to, and why that one?

I belong first of all to Jesus, He has no denomination. Otherwise, I belong to the Catholic Church, only because my husband is and has been Catholic all of his life, and we both felt our family should be united somewhere. We are all Christians, though.

What do you think it will be like to exist in heaven, and who are you looking forward to seeing?

I think Heaven will be the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I can hardly wait to get there so that I can see all of my friends and family who have accepted and followed Jesus.

What is your favorite biblical verse, and why?

John 3:16. It lines out what Jesus is to all.

After you’ve left this world to be with the Lord, what do you want people to say about you? What should be the first sentence of YOUR biography?

That I lived the utmost Christian and straight life I could while on earth - "The Christian Life of a Christian Woman".

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