
What is the most important thing about your walk with Christ?

I've been born again.

What convinced you of the truth in Jesus?

He delivered me from the chains of death.

When, why, and how do you pray?

Morning, I talk to God, humbling myself and seeking his grace with praying for others.

What denomination, if any, do you belong to, and why that one?

I am non denominational, but with family we attend a Pentecostal church as our local church. I do not depend on this church as the basement of my Christian life, but for fellowship with other believers, I do need this church. When I go out of our hometown, I do attend different congregations where Praise & Worship are held.

What do you think it will be like to exist in heaven, and who are you looking forward to seeing?

Our life will be eternal and everything will be beyond our imaginations. Off course, we will see Jesus, the author of our salvation.

What is your favorite biblical verse, and why?

John 3:16: God gave his only begotten Son, and through him I 've been saved .

After you've left this world to be with the Lord, what do you want people to say about you? What should be the first sentence of YOUR biography?

That I am a Christian Believer. I 've been fruitful according to my repentance and lived worthy of God's calling.

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