What is the most important thing
about your walk with Christ?
Being able to know who I am without
question. Like I know where I am going – heaven, of course. The
most wonderful place in the world! I want to be with Christ, right by
his side, hearing him preach.
What convinced you of the truth in
Well, my grandma and my mom brought me
up in a Christian home, so it was the love that my mother gave me and
the love of Jesus that she passed on.
When, why, and how do you pray?
I pray every chance I get! I think
praying is a really important part of being Christian because it
helps us grow closer to Jesus. It also helps us grow more mature in
our spirituality. I pray with the power of Jesus, allowing him to
show me how to do it correctly. I don't really have a prayer routine,
I just pray as the Spirit leads me.
What denomination, if any, do you
belong to, and why that one?
I’m Pentacostal.....because it's just
so awesome to be so on fire for God!
What do you think it will be like to
exist in heaven, and who are you looking
forward to seeing?
I can’t wait for heaven! I am so
excited to be able to see Grandma Bonnie because she, along with my
mother, led me to Christ. She died when I was eight, right after my
father left my mother for my Sunday school teacher. That was the
hardest thing I’ve had to deal with! I just know that she's
happier up in heaven, more so than we are here on earth. I am very
excited about seeing Jesus. No one knows what he looks like or sounds
like, so I'm really looking forward to finding out.
What is your favorite biblical verse,
and why?
John 3:16 is my favorite, because it
After you’ve left this world to be
with the Lord, what do you want people to say
about you? What should be the first
sentence of YOUR biography?
I would like people to say that I was
an understanding, and very ‘on-fire-for-God’ person.